Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

6 Attitudes of Top Agents

During the past 30 years we've worked with and coached top real estate professionals across the US and Canada. We've noticed they have some traits in common and put together our list of the top six attitudes to help you start 2011 with a BANG!

1. Top real estate agents expect to succeed. They decide to succeed and they take the actions necessary to ensure that success. The root of decide is "cide" or "to kill." When you truly decide to do something, you in a sense kill off all options of failure. Obstacles, setbacks, learning experiences and other failures are met with a resolve to keep trying, find a new way or to try something different. Stopping and not succeeding is simply not an option.

2. Top real estate professionals understand the law that what you concentrate on becomes real. Where you spend your mental energy manifests in your life. Do you wake up everyday and say "Hot-dog! I'm in real estate and get to help people buy and sell!" or do you say "Oh, God--what do I do today?" Which attitude will ensure your success?

3. Top real estate agents take responsibility for their actions. They don't blame the economy, the broker, the interest rates, the leads or anything else for their setbacks. They know that when they accept 100 percent responsibility for their actions--and their results--they have the power to reach their goals.

4. Top real estate agents don't expect a struggle. They know success is simply a natural outcome of the thoughts they think and the actions they take. Top agents lead generate and lead follow-up enough so that they can tell those difficult clients that they can't help them and refer them to someone else. How much easier would your business me if you could do that?

5. Top Agents accept joy and happiness now. They don't just expect to be happy when they reach their goals; they also enjoy the journey. They concentrate on being the person they want to become so that they do the things they need to do to have the things they want.

6. Top agents get over it quickly. Top agents don't dwell on setbacks or failures. They don't worry about not having enough: money, time, energy, business, etc. Instead they ask themselves great questions, learn from the experience, and then LET IT GO moving on to something more productive very quickly.

Adopt these attitudes and watch your business, and life, soar!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

When Paying More is a Good Thing

So your buyer is ready to write an offer.  You do your homework, research the comps, and start negotiating.  When all is said and done, your buyer has an accepted offer but at a price higher than expected.   You get to tell them… “Congratulations! You’re paying more for a house in this neighborhood than anyone has in long time.  Isn’t that exciting?!”


Once they re-focus and tilt their head back to center, you explain…


It’s an indication that prices in the neighborhood are on their way UP.  Sure, your buyer is purchasing a home for more than recent past sales, but that price should prove to be LESS than what others will pay in the coming months and years.  Hopefully soon, they will be able to tell their even newer neighbors what a great deal they got!





Foreclosures Halted

Maybe this week's headlines will allow distressed homeowners a short breather while the banking industry figures out what's going on. Maybe... 

Several large banks, including Bank of America, have reportedly halted the foreclosure process in 23 states while it investigating whether or not there were flaws in past proceedings.  No estimate is given in the article as to how many homeowners will be affected, but I'm sure it's a large number.  JP Morgan Chase reports over 50,000.  Read the full article here:

JP Morgan-Chase also announced it was stopping the foreclosure process after learning some files may not have been properly reviewed.

A statement last week from mortgage lender Freddic Mac said, "It is essential that the industry work together to protect borrowers' rights and ensure the integrity of the foreclosure process."  

Shouldn't they have been doing that all along?   What happened to the Home Loan modification programs set in place what... like, 3 years ago now?

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that fewer than 500,000 loans have been modified -- nowhere near the targeted 3-4 million loans that were eligible.  

While this will slow the inventory "dump" in to some markets, keeping prices stable, the effect of headlines such as this is the continued stalling of buyers who could (and should) be writing offers on existing inventory.